The Cheval Liberté MAXI herringbone three horse trailer features two telescopic adjustable partitions on sliding tracks which create three internal stalls.
Complete with a spacious tack room, as with all Cheval Liberte horse trailers, the MAXI3 is also equipped with the Pullman II Suspension System for a superb handling and towing experience for your equestrian adventure.
The Cheval Liberté MAXI herringbone three horse trailer comes packed with features including anodised aluminium planking sides and an aerodynamic polyester coloured front and roof.
All the Cheval Liberté horse trailers in the range come packed with plenty of features.
Cheval Liberté Maxi3 Herringbone Three Horse Trailer
Protection and comfort of the horse
- Telescopic adjustable partitions with clear PVC skirt flaps
- Off side opening window flap with two sliding windows incorporated
- Opening window flap above front ramp with sliding window incorporated
- Sliding window on near side and in the tack room door
- Pullman suspension superb comfort for the horses whilst travelling
- All of the Cheval Liberté range of horse trailers now come with the Pullman II Performance Suspension System installed as standard to cater for your horses’ safety and comfort, and for optimal handling and towing performance.
- Aluminium for strength and longevity
- Anti-slip rubber mat glued to the floor
- Easy maintenance
- Aerodynamically shaped moulded polyester one-piece front and roof
- Integral reinforcing members in the roof
- Rear cover with automatic roller for easy, tidy operation and air flow
- Anodised Aluminium Planking for strength and longevity
Loading Facilities
- Rear and side ramps with assistors for easy operation
- Rear ramp also opens out as a van door
- Hinging adjustable partitions for ease of loading
Grooms Door
- Large door for entry into tack room